Short Picture Description of a Forest
This post is a Short Picture Description of a Forest in Sanskrit.
संस्कृत में वन का संक्षिप्त लघुचित्रवर्णन।
वनस्य इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां लघुचित्रवर्णनम्।
This post of Short Picture Description of a Forest in Sanskrit can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.
English and Hindi translation are given for better understanding.
Table of Contents
वनस्य इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां लघुचित्रवर्णनम्।
अस्मिन् चित्रे एकं वनम् अस्ति। चित्रे सूर्यः उदेति। चित्रे प्रातःकालः अस्ति। वने एका नदी अपि वहति। वने बहवः पशवः वसन्ति। वानराः वृक्षेषु कूर्दन्ति। पशवः नद्याः जलं पिबन्ति। ते पशवः द्वौ मृगौ तथा च एकः सिंहः सन्ति। नद्याम् अपि पशवः वसन्ति। मत्स्याः नदीजले तरन्ति। तत्र एकः नक्रः अपि अस्ति। एकः मण्डूकः नदीतीरे अस्ति। वनस्य चित्रं रमणीयम् अस्ति।
vanasya iti viṣaye saṃskṛtabhāṣāyāṃ laghucitravarṇanam।
asmin citre ekaṃ vanam asti। citre sūryaḥ udeti। citre prātaḥkālaḥ asti। vane ekā nadī api vahati। vane bahavaḥ paśavaḥ vasanti। vānarāḥ vṛkṣeṣu kūrdanti। paśavaḥ nadyāḥ jalaṃ pibanti। te paśavaḥ dvau mṛgau tathā ca ekaḥ siṃhaḥ santi। nadyām api paśavaḥ vasanti। matsyāḥ nadījale taranti। tatra ekaḥ nakraḥ api asti। ekaḥ maṇḍūkaḥ nadītīre asti। vanasya citraṃ ramaṇīyam asti।
Short Picture Description of a Forest
This is a picture of a forest. The Sun is rising. The picture depicts the time of the morning. A river is flowing in the forest. Many animals live in the forest. Monkeys are jumping on the trees. Animals are drinking water from the river. Two deer and a lion are the animals drinking water. Animals live in the river too. Fish are swimming in the river. There is a crocodile in the river. A frog is sitting on the bank of the river. This is a nice picture of the forest.
वन का लघु चित्र वर्णन।
इस चित्र में वन का दृश्य है। चित्र में सूर्योदय हो रहा है। चित्र में सुबह का दृश्य है। वन में एक नदी बह रही है। वन में बहुत पशु रहते हैं। बंदर पेड़ों पर कूद रहे हैं। पशु नदी का पानी पी रहे हैं। उनमें दो मृग और एक सिंह हैं। नदी में भी बहुत पशु रहते हैं। मछलियाँ नदी में तैर रही हैं। नदी में एक मगरमच्छ भी है। एक मेंढक नदीकिनारे दिखाई दे रहा है। वन का यह दृश्य रमणीय है।
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Short picture description of General Picture in Sanskrit, English, …
Picture Description of a Flood
Home Garden
Bus Depot
Swimming Pool
Picture Description of Farm
Picture Description on Ganeshotsav
Picture Description on Independence Day
Picture Description on Daily Routine
Picture Description of Family
Picture Description on Library
Holi Celebration
Morning in a Village
Morning 2
Play area
Rainy Day Picture 2
Picture 1
Sports Day
Picture Description of Sports Day in School This post …Yoga Day
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