Short Picture Description of A Temple
This post is a short picture description of a Temple in Sanskrit i.e. देवालयस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम्
This post can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.
Transliteration, meaning in English and Hindi translation are given for better understanding.
Table of Contents
देवालयस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम्
इदं देवालयस्य चित्रम् अस्ति। देवालयः विशालः अस्ति। देवालयस्य समीपे बहवः वृक्षाः सन्ति। तत्र द्वे धेनू तृणं चरतः।
पिता पुत्रः च देवस्य दर्शनं कर्तुं देवालयं प्रविशतः। माता पुत्री च देवस्य दर्शनं कृत्वा पुनः गृहं गच्छतः। देवालयस्य परिसरे एका पुष्पविक्रेत्री अस्ति। एका वृद्धा महिला तत्र पुष्पाणि क्रीणाति। समीपे एव एकः मिष्टान्नविक्रेता अस्ति। पिता पुत्रः च तत्र मिष्टान्नखाद्यानि क्रीणीतः।
देवालयस्य पुरतः एकः तडागः अस्ति। तडागे द्वौ कच्छपौ स्तः। तडागे एकः जलाकरः अपि अस्ति। देवालयस्य इदं चित्रं प्रसन्नतापूर्णम् अस्ति।
devālayasya laghucitravarṇanam
idaṃ devālayasya citram asti। devālayaḥ viśālaḥ asti। devālayasya samīpe bahavaḥ vṛkṣāḥ santi। tatra dve dhenū tṛṇaṃ carataḥ।
pitā putraḥ ca devasya darśanaṃ kartuṃ devālayaṃ praviśataḥ। mātā putrī ca devasya darśanaṃ kṛtvā punaḥ gṛhaṃ gacchataḥ। devālayasya parisare ekā puṣpavikretā asti। ekā vṛddhā mahilā tatra puṣpāṇi krīṇāti। samīpe eva ekaḥ miṣṭānnavikretā asti। pitā putraḥ ca tatra miṣṭānnakhādyāni krīṇītaḥ।
devālayasya purataḥ ekaḥ taḍāgaḥ asti। taḍāge dvau kacchapau staḥ। taḍāge ekaḥ jalākaraḥ api asti। devālayasya idaṃ citraṃ prasannatāpūrṇam asti।
Short Picture Description of a Temple
This is a picture of a temple. The temple is very big. There are many trees near it. Two cows are grazing grass there.
Father and son are entering the temple to take God’s blessings. Mother and daughter are returning from the temple after taking the blessings of God and are going home. There is a flower vendor near the temple. An old woman is buying flowers over there. There is a sweets vendor nearby. Father and son are buying sweets over there.
There is a pond in front of the temple. Two turtles are there in the pond. There is a fountain in the pond, too. This picture of the temple is full of peace and happiness.
देवालय का लघु चित्र वर्णन
यह देवालय का चित्र है। देवालय बहुत बड़ा है। देवालय के पास बहुत पेड़ हैं। वहाँ दो गाय घास खा रही हैं।
पिता और पुत्र भगवान का दर्शन करने के लिए देवालय में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं। माता और पुत्री भगवान का दर्शन करके घर जा रही हैं। देवालय के परिसर में एक फूलों की विक्रेता भी है। वहाँ एक वृद्ध महिला फूल खरीद रही है। पास में एक मिठाई का विक्रेता है। पिता और पुत्र वहाँ मिठाईयाँ खरीद रहे हैं।
देवालय के सामने एक सरोवर है। उस सरोवर में दो कछुए हैं। सरोवर में एक फव्वारा भी है। देवालय का यह चित्र प्रसन्नता से परिपूर्ण है।
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Short picture description of General Picture in Sanskrit, English, …
Picture Description of a Flood
Home Garden
Bus Depot
Swimming Pool
Picture Description of Farm
Picture Description on Ganeshotsav
Picture Description on Independence Day
Picture Description on Daily Routine
Picture Description of Family
Picture Description on Library
Holi Celebration
Morning in a Village
Morning 2
Play area
Rainy Day Picture 2
Picture 1
Sports Day
Picture Description of Sports Day in School This post …Yoga Day
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Rainy Day
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