क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्याम् अर्थं च साधयेत्।
क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम्॥

kṣaṇaśaḥ kaṇaśaścaiva vidyām artham ca sādhayet।
kṣaṇe naṣṭe kuto vidyā , kaṇe naṣṭe kuto dhanam॥

While pursuing education, a student should utilise every available moment and while amassing wealth, the smallest amount of money should be saved. By wasting valuable time, how can knowledge be gathered? And by spending money unnecessarily, how can one become wealthy?

विद्यार्थी ने अध्ययन करते समय एक क्षण भी व्यर्थ नहीं जाने देना चाहिए , उसी तरह धन का संग्रह करते समय एक एक कण (पैसा) भी व्यर्थ नहीं करना चाहिए। समय व्यर्थ करने से विद्या और एक एक पैसा व्यर्थ करने से धन का संग्रह कैसे कर सकते है?
Learn about the famous subhashita तृणं खादति केदारे जलं पिबति पल्वले with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita नाभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita विना शीलेन वनिता वाग्मिता विद्यया विना with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति with its Hindi and English meaning.