वनानि दहतो वह्नेः सखा भवति मारुतः।
स एव दीपनाशाय कृशे कस्यास्ति सौहृदम्॥

vanāni dahato vahneḥ sakhā bhavati mārutaḥ।
sa eva dīpanāśāya kṛśe kasyāsti sauhṛdam॥

When the forest is consumed by a strong fire, the wind becomes its friend. However, the same wind extinguishes a ‘deepa’ (small diya), meaning, nobody generally likes to be friends with a weak person.

वन में जब आग लगती है, तब (वायु) वहती हवा उसका मित्र बन जाती है। परंतु वही हवा छोटे दीप को बुझा देती है उसी तरह कमज़ोर व्यक्ति से कौन मित्रता करता है?
Learn about the famous subhashita तृणं खादति केदारे जलं पिबति पल्वले with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita नाभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita विना शीलेन वनिता वाग्मिता विद्यया विना with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति with its Hindi and English meaning.