माता, मित्रं, पिता च इति स्वभावात् त्रितयं हितम्।
कार्यकारणतः च अन्ये भवन्ति हितबुद्धयः॥
mātā, mitraṃ, pitā ca iti svabhāvāt tritayaṃ hitam।
kāryakāraṇataḥ ca anye bhavanti hitabuddhayaḥ॥
A person’s mother, father and friend are inherently his/her well wishers. All other people wish well for a person only for a specific reason or for their own work.
माता, मित्र और पिता ये तीन मूल स्वभाव से ही हितचिंतक होते है। बाकी लोग किसी कारण की वजह से हितचिंतक बनते हैं।
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Learn about the famous subhashita जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति with its Hindi and English meaning.