Sanskrit Essay on Cuckoo
This post is an Essay on Cuckoo in Sanskrit.
कोयल पर संस्कृत में निबंध।
कोकिलः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।
Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.
This short essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.
Table of Contents
Video of Essay on Cuckoo in Sanskrit
कोकिलः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।
कोकिलः लोकप्रियः खगः अस्ति।
तस्य शरीरस्य वर्णः कृष्णः अस्ति।
तस्य चञ्चुः पीता अस्ति।
कोकिलः फलानि कीटकान् च खादति।
सर्वेषु खगेषु तस्य वाणी मधुरतमा अस्ति।
ऋतुराजवसन्तस्य आगमनं सः मधुरस्वरेण सूचयति।
तस्य कूजनं जनेभ्यः बहु रोचते।
सः एकः चतुरः खगः।
सः स्वस्य अण्डानि काकानां नीडेषु स्थापयति।
पिकः वनप्रियः च इति तस्य अन्यानि नामानि।
Essay On My Cuckoo
The cuckoo is a popular bird.
It is black in colour.
Its beak is yellow in colour.
It eats fruits and insects.
Its voice is the sweetest of all the birds.
The cuckoo indicates the arrival of the king of seasons, Spring, with its beautiful voice.
People like the singing of the cuckoo very much.
The cuckoo is a smart bird.
It puts its eggs in a crow’s nest.
‘Pika’ and ‘Vanapriya’ are two other names of the cuckoo
कोयल पर निबंध।
कोयल एक लोकप्रिय पक्षी है।
वह काले रंग का होता है।
उसकी चोंच पीले रंग की होती है।
वह फल और कीटक खाता है।
उसकी आवाज़ सभी पक्षियों में सबसे मधुर होती है।
कोयल अपनी मधुर आवाज़ से ऋतुओं के राजा, वसंत, के आगमन की सूचना करता है।
कोयल का गाना लोगों को बहुत पसंद है।
कोयल एक चतुर पक्षी है।
वह अपने अंडे कौवे के घोंसले में रखता है।
‘पिक’ और ‘वनप्रिय’ कोयल के दो अन्य नाम हैं।