Sanskrit Essay on Farmer
This post is an Essay on Farmer in Sanskrit.
किसान पर संस्कृत में निबंध।
कृषकः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।
Translation is given in Hindi and English for better understanding.
This essay can be referenced by school students and interested Sanskrit learners.
Table of Contents
Video of Essay on Farmer in Sanskrit
कृषकः इति विषये संस्कृतभाषायां निबन्धः।
कृषकः ग्रामे वसति।
सः प्रतिदिनं क्षेत्रं गच्छति।
बलीवर्दानां सहाय्येन सः भूमिं कर्षति।
तदनन्तरं सः बीजानि वपति।
तस्मात् सस्यानाम् उत्पादनं भवति।
कृषकः निरन्तरं परिश्रमं करोति।
तस्य श्रमेण सर्वेषां पोषणं भवति।
अतः कृषकस्य अन्यं नाम ‘अन्नदाता’ इति अस्ति।
तस्य विकासः एव देशस्य विकासः।
कृषकः सर्वदेशानां महत्त्वपूर्णः भागः अस्ति।
Essay On Farmer
The farmer lives in the village.
He goes to the fields daily.
He ploughs the field with the help of his oxen.
After that, he sows the seeds.
The crops soon grow in the fields.
The farmer works relentlessly.
It is his efforts that nourish everyone.
So, the farmer is also called the ‘Annadata (Giver of Food)’.
His growth is the growth of the country.
The farmer is an integral part of all countries.
किसान पर निबंध।
किसान गाँव में रहता है।
वह हर दिन खेत में जाता है।
बैलों की मदद से वह जमीन जोतता है।
उसके बाद वह बीज बोता है।
उससे फसलों का उत्पादन होता हैं।
किसान निरंतर परिश्रम करता है।
उसके परिश्रम से सबका पोषण होता है।
इसलिए किसान का अन्य नाम अन्नदाता है।
उसका विकास ही देश का विकास है।
किसान सभी देशों का महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग है।