काकचेष्टा बकोध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च।
अल्पहारी गृहत्यागी विद्यार्थी पञ्चलक्षणम्॥
kākaceṣṭā bakodhyānaṃ śvānanidrā tathaiva ca।
alpahārī gṛhatyāgī vidyārthī pañcalakṣaṇam॥
Our efforts should be similar to that of a crow (They should be repetitive or continuous). Focus on work should be like a crane (A crane stands still to catch fish). Sleep should be like that of a dog (Alert). We should eat less to avoid lethargy. Stay away from home or comfort zone. These are the five signs of a good student or learner.
कौए जैसा प्रयत्न, बगुले जैसा ध्यान, कुत्ते जैसी नींद, अल्प आहार और गृहत्याग – यह विद्यार्थी के पाँच लक्षण हैं।
Learn about the famous subhashita तृणं खादति केदारे जलं पिबति पल्वले with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita नाभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंहस्य क्रियते वने with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita विना शीलेन वनिता वाग्मिता विद्यया विना with its Hindi and English meaning.
Learn about the famous subhashita जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति with its Hindi and English meaning.