अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ)

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Sanskrit explained in English
By now, you must have familiarized yourself with and learnt the Maheshwari Sutrani, Sanskrit Alphabet, Sanskrit Vowels and Sanskrit Consonants in chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
In this chapter we will learn the Ayogavahau.
Learning this chapter will help you:
- Understand अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ)
- Learn different types of अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ)
Who is the chapter for?
- Any person interested in learning Sanskrit
- Any learner who wants to revisit the basics of Sanskrit language
- One who wants to learn and understand अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ)
अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ)
अयोगवाहाः (Ayogavāhāḥ) are Letters in Sanskrit which always come after vowels. They cannot be pronounced by themselves. There are two such letters- विसर्गः (Visargaḥ) (ः) and अनुस्वारः (Anusvāraḥ) (ं).
विसर्गः (Visargaḥ)–
This अयोगवाहः (Ayogavāhaḥ) represents a repetitive sound which has the sound of the letter ह् (H) and the vowel that came before it. Its symbol is this- ः
अनुस्वारः (Anusvāraḥ)–
This अयोगवाहः (Ayogavāhaḥ) represents a nasal sound. When it is used for वर्गीय-व्यञ्जनानि (Vargīya-Vyañjanāni), its sound becomes that of the अनुनासिक-व्यञ्जनम् (anunāsika-vyañjanam) of that वर्गः (Vargaḥ). The अनुस्वारः (Anusvāraḥ) can be replaced with the अनुनासिक-व्यञ्जनम् (anunāsika-vyañjanam) of that वर्गः (Vargaḥ).
When it is used for अवर्गीय-व्यञ्जनानि (Avargīya-Vyañjanāni), its sound becomes a pure nasal. In this case, the अनुस्वारः (Anusvāraḥ) cannot be swapped with any other letter.