Short Picture Description on Daily Routine
This post is a short picture description on Daily Routine in Sanskrit.
दिनचर्या का लघु चित्रवर्णन।
दिनचर्यायाः लघुचित्रवर्णनम्।
This post can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.
English and Hindi translation are given for better understanding.
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This post is a short essay On My Daily Routine in Sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi. This can be referenced by Sanskrit students or anyone interested in learning and writing basic Sanskrit sentences.
This post is an essay on my daily routine in sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi. This can be referenced by Sanskrit students or anyone interested in learning and writing basic Sanskrit sentences.
Table of Contents
दिनचर्यायाः लघुचित्रवर्णनम्।
अस्मिन् चित्रे एकस्य बालकस्य दिनचर्या दृश्यते। अस्य नाम ___ (रामः) अस्ति। प्रथमं, सः प्रातः उत्तिष्ठति। तस्मात् अनन्तरं, सः दन्तान् मार्जयति। तत्पश्चात् सः स्नानं करोति। सः अल्पाहारम् अपि करोति। इदं कृत्वा सः विद्यालयं गच्छति। विद्यालयात् प्रत्यागत्य रामः बहिः क्रीडितुं गच्छति। क्रीडित्वा सः अभ्यासं करोति। अभ्यासं समाप्य भोजनं कृत्वा च, रामः स्वपिति।
dinacaryāyāḥ laghucitravarṇanam।
asmin citre ekasya bālakasya dinacaryā dṛśyate। asya nāma ___ (rāmaḥ) asti। prathamaṃ, saḥ prātaḥ uttiṣṭhati। tasmāt anantaraṃ, saḥ dantān mārjayati। tatpaścāt saḥ snānaṃ karoti। saḥ alpāhāram api karoti। idaṃ kṛtvā saḥ vidyālayaṃ gacchati। vidyālayāt pratyāgatya rāmaḥ bahiḥ krīḍituṃ gacchati। krīḍitvā saḥ abhyāsaṃ karoti। abhyāsaṃ samāpya bhojanaṃ kṛtvā ca, rāmaḥ svapiti।
Short Picture Description on Daily Routine
The daily routine of a boy can be seen in this picture. His name is ___ (Ram). First of all, he wakes up early in the morning. After that, he brushes his teeth. Next, he takes his bath. He also has his breakfast. After this, he goes to school. After coming home from school, Ram goes outside to play. After playing, he does his homework. After completing his homework and having his dinner, Ram goes to sleep.
दिनचर्या का लघु चित्रवर्णन।
इस चित्र में एक लड़के की दिनचर्या दिख रही है। उसका नाम ___ (राम) है। सबसे पहले वह सुबह जल्दी उठता है। उसके बाद, वह अपने दाँत ब्रश करता है। इसके बाद वह स्नान करता है। वह उसका नाश्ता भी करता है। इसके बाद वह विद्यालय जाता है। विद्यालय से घर आने के बाद राम खेलने के लिए बाहर जाता है। खेलने के बाद वह अपना अभ्यासकार्य पूर्ण करता है। अपना अभ्यासकार्य पूर्ण करने और रात का खाना खाने के बाद, राम सो जाता है।
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