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Sanskrit is a rich ancient language from India. It’s literature includes Philosophy, Religion, Poetry, Music, Drama, Science, Technical and other texts.
Sanskrit compositions were orally transmitted by methods of memorization. Students called Shishyas used to learn the various religious texts from their teachers called Gurus in a schooling system called the Gurukul.
Some part of the vast knowledge available in these texts is reproduced here for your learning and understanding. We hope you enjoy learning Sanskrit as much as we enjoy publishing them.

Learn about Subhashitas i.e. Proverbs, Axioms, short Essays and Shlokas among other things.
Learn to read and understand Sanskrit Grammar in a simple and effective way.
Learn about numbers, seasons, colors, names of objects, animals, birds, etc. among many other things to increase your Sanskrit Vocabulary.
Read and learn various Vedic Hymns and Chants which are considered to be the oldest unbroken oral tradition in existence.
Learn about the origin of various Sanatan Dharma festivals, Historical stories from the Upanishads, Epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata and other famous scriptures.
Read and learn about various interesting topics other than Sanskrit Grammar, Composition, Vocabulary, Itihasa, etc.

Sanskrit Composition
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language which is now becoming popular due to renewed interest in the Vedas, Upanishads and other Sanatan Dharma Scriptures. In this section you can read and learn the following among other things.
Simple traditional Sanskrit sayings that express a perceived truth.
Statements or propositions in Sanskrit which are regarded as self-evidently true.
Formal and informal essays in Sanskrit. Useful for Sanskrit students and learners.
Shlokas are verses or a song in Sanskrit, which are in a poetic form.
Learn 10 plus lines Sanskrit sentence formation through picture description.
Learn 20 plus lines Sanskrit sentence formation through picture description.
Sanskrit Grammar
Letters | वर्णाः
वर्णाः (varṇāḥ) means Letters in Sanskrit. There are 46 letters in total. 13 are Vowels and 33 are Consonants.
This section includes the following topics among other related things.
- वर्णमाला (varṇamālā)
- माहेश्वरी-सूत्राणि (māheśvarī-sūtrāṇi)
- स्वराः (svarāḥ)
- व्यञ्जनानि (vyañjanāni)
- अयोगवाहाः (ayogavāhāḥ)
- वर्णविच्छेदः वर्णसंयोगः च (varṇavicchedaḥ varṇasaṃyogaḥ ca)
Words | पदानि
This section includes the following topics among other related things.
- Grammatical Numbers, Persons and Genders | वचनानि, पुरुषाः लिङ्गानि च (vacanāni, puruṣāḥ liṅgāni ca)
- Cases and Tenses | विभक्तयः लकाराः च (vibhaktayaḥ lakārāḥ ca)
- Forms | रूपाणि (rūpāṇi)
- Word Classes | शब्दप्रकाराः (śabdaprakārāḥ)
- Suffixes | प्रत्ययाः (pratyayāḥ)
- Prefixes | उपसर्गाः (upasargāḥ)
- उपपद-विभक्तयः (Upapada-vibhaktayaḥ)
- Voices | प्रयोगः (prayogaḥ)
Sandhiḥ | सन्धिः
सन्धिः (sandhiḥ) is a grammar topic in Sanskrit. Here, there are two words: The word before and the word after the first one.
In Sandhi, the last letter of the first word and the first letter of the other word are combined together.
There are three types of सन्धिः (sandhiḥ) which are as follows:
- स्वरसन्धिः (svarasandhiḥ)
- व्यञ्जनसन्धिः (vyañjanasandhiḥ)
- विसर्गसन्धिः (visargasandhiḥ)
Samāsaḥ | समासः
समासः (samāsaḥ) is a grammar topic in Sanskrit. In this, many words are combined together to form another word. In samāsaḥ, there are two words- the पूर्वपदम् (pūrvapadam) (the word before) and the उत्तरपदम् (uttarapadam) (the word after). Both of these are combined together to form another word. Here, the order of words is very important. Samāsaḥ can be categorised into 4 main types depending on which word, importance is given to. They are:
- पूर्वपदप्राधान्यम् (pūrvapadaprādhānyam)- This can be called अव्ययीभावः (avyayībhāvaḥ)
- उत्तरपदप्राधान्यम् (uttarapadaprādhānyam)- This can be called तत्पुरुषः (tatpuruṣaḥ)
- उभयपदप्राधान्यम् (ubhayapadaprādhānyam)- This can be called द्वन्द्वः (dvandvaḥ)
- अन्यपदप्राधान्यम् (anyapadaprādhānyam)- This can be called बहुव्रीहिः (bahuvrīhiḥ)
Sanskrit Vocabulary
Sanskrit is one of the ancient languages in the world. A vast vocabulary in Sanskrit literature has developed over the many centuries and millenniums. There are various grammatical features and properties unique to Sanskrit. Interest in learning Sanskrit language has been growing substantially. Vocabulary is a crucial part of any language and learning Sanskrit vocabulary is one of the important and challenging tasks for a new learner. In this section one can learn the basics in a structured and easy way.
Hymns & Chants
The oral tradition of Vedas i.e. Shruti, consists of several ways of chanting the Vedic mantras. Such traditions of Vedic chants are considered the oldest, unbroken oral tradition in existence. In this section, you will be able to read and learn about Sanskrit Hymns and Chants.
A Hymn is a religious song written as a prayer for a deity or deities. There are many well known hymns in Sanskrit passed down generations through the gurukul system of learning. Today, in Sanatan Dharma a.k.a. Hinduism, many of these hymns are used in rituals and prayers. This section has many of the well known hymns for one’s learning.
A Chant generally is singing of words. Chanting mantras or sacred texts is a common practice in Sanatan Dharma a.k.a. Hinduism. Chanting can be done by an individual or as part of a group. There are many mantras that are popular even today, which we have listed in this section, for you to read, learn and understand.
Itihasa (History)
Sanatan Dharma a.k.a. Hinduism has a rich culture and history. Many of the religious festivals celebrated by followers of Sanatan Dharma in India and elsewhere have interesting stories associated with them. Also, Learn about the origin of various Sanatan Dharma festivals, historical stories from the Upanishads, Epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata and other well known scriptures.
Many a times we tend to focus on the details while learning Sanskrit and get engrossed with it so much, that we tend to forget, there is a lot more to Sanskrit than grammar. In this section you will find varied topics that might interest you. These will be other than the topics that have been covered in different sections of the site.
Happy Learning and Reading.