Holi Celebration
Short picture description of Holi Celebration in Sanskrit, English, and Hindi with transliteration. | होलिकोत्सवस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम् | होली उत्सव का लघु चित्रवर्णन
Short picture description of Holi Celebration in Sanskrit, English, and Hindi with transliteration. | होलिकोत्सवस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम् | होली उत्सव का लघु चित्रवर्णन
Learn about the Story of Buddha, the prince who left everything for enlightenment. What made Siddhartha Gautama to become the Buddha.
Learn about the story of Ganapati the wise and courageous son of God Shiv and goddess Parvati.
Learn about Rashis Nakshatras and Grahas in Sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi | संस्कृत में राशि नक्षत्र और ग्रहों के नाम | राशयः नक्षत्राणि ग्रहाः च