Sanskrit Axioms on God
Learn Sanskrit Axioms on God. Its transliteration, meaning in English and Hindi are also listed for better understanding.
In Sanskrit literature, there are many ways in which wisdom is imparted.
Axioms were one of the ways used by wise men to explain difficult things in an easy to understand way.
आचार्य देवो भव।
ācārya devo bhava।
A teacher is like god.
गुरु देव समान है।
न मातुः परदैवतम्।
na mātuḥ paradaivatam।
There is no god greater than a mother.
माँ से बढ़कर कोई देव नहीं।
अतिथी देवो भव।
atithī devo bhava।
A guest is like god.
अतिथी देव समान है।
मातृ देवो भव।
mātṛ devo bhava।
Mother is like god.
माता देव समान है।
पितृ देवो भव।
pitṛ devo bhava।
A father is like god.
पिता देव समान है।
अरक्षितं तिष्ठति दैवरक्षितम्।
arakṣitaṃ tiṣṭhati daivarakṣitam।
The one who is not protected by anybody, is protected by God.
जिसकी कोई रक्षा नहीं करता, वह भगवानने रक्षा करने के बाद बचता है।
स्मर नित्यम् ईश्वरम्।
smara nityam īśvaram।
One must always remember God.
सदैव ईश्वर का स्मरण करो।

General Axioms
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General Axioms



