Vehicle Names in Sanskrit | संस्कृत में वाहनों के नाम
Learn Vehicle names in Sanskrit with translation in English and Hindi.
An exhaustive list of Vehicle names in Sanskrit is listed here with their English and Hindi names. List of Vehicle names is called वाहनानाम् नामानि in Sanskrit.
वाहनों के नाम संस्कृत में।
When used in a sentence, the forms of some words may slightly change, due to uses of grammatical cases as per the requirement in the sentence.
Table of Contents
Video on Vehicle names in Sanskrit
List of Vehicle Names in Sanskrit
वाहनों के नाम की सूची संस्कृत में।
English | Sanskrit | Hindi |
Bicycle | द्विचक्रिका | साइकिल |
Auto-Rickshaw | त्रिचक्रिकायानम् | रिक्शा |
Train | रेलयानम् | रेलगाड़ी |
Truck | ट्रकवाहनम् | ट्रक |
Boat | नौका | नाव |
Airplane | विमानम् | हवाई जहाज |
Car | कारयानम् | कार |
Bus | बसयानम् | बस |
Chariot | रथः | रथ |
Ambulance | रुग्णवाहनम् | एम्ब्युलंस |
Ship | पोतः | समुद्री जहाज |
Motorcycle | यन्त्रद्विचक्रिका | मोटर-साइकिल |
Helicopter | उदग्रयानम् | हेलीकॉप्टर |
Fire Truck | अग्निशमनयन्त्रम् | फ़ायर-इंजन |
Jeep | दुर्गयानम् | जीप |
Army Tank | लोहरथः | टैंक |
Bullock Cart | ऋषभशकटः | बैलगाड़ी |
Vehicle Names with Sanskrit Sentences
- Bicycle - द्विचक्रिका
In Sanskrit, Bicycle is known as द्विचक्रिका (dvicakrikā) and साइकिल in Hindi.
The word द्विचक्रिका can be used as given in the following sentence.
बालिका द्विचक्रिकां चालयति। (bālikā dvicakrikāṃ cālayati।) – which means ‘A girl is riding a bicycle’ in English and ‘लड़की साइकिल चला रही है।’ in Hindi.
- Auto-Rickshaw - त्रिचक्रिकायानम्
In Sanskrit, Auto-Rickshaw is known as त्रिचक्रिकायानम् (tricakrikāyānam) and रिक्शा in Hindi.
The word त्रिचक्रिकायानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
मार्गे त्रिचक्रिकायानं तिष्ठति। (mārge tricakrikāyānaṃ tiṣṭhati।) – which means ‘The rickshaw is parked on the road‘ in English and ‘रिक्शा रास्ते पर खड़ी है।’ in Hindi.
- Train - रेलयानम्
In Sanskrit, Train is known as रेलयानम् (relayānam) and रेलगाड़ी in Hindi.
The word रेलयानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
जनाः रेलयानेन ग्रामं गच्छन्ति। (janāḥ relayānena grāmaṃ gacchanti।) – which means ‘People go to the village by train‘ in English and ‘लोग रेलगाड़ी से गाँव जाते हैं।’ in Hindi.
- Truck - ट्रकवाहनम्
In Sanskrit, Truck is known as ट्रकवाहनम् (ṭrakavāhanam) and ट्रक or लाॅरी in Hindi.
The word ट्रकवाहनम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
ट्रकवाहने नैकानि फलानि शाकानि च सन्ति। (ṭrakavāhane naikāni phalāni śākāni ca santi।) – which means ‘There are many fruits and vegetables in the truck.‘ in English and ‘ट्रक में अनेक फल और सब्जियाँ हैं।’ in Hindi.
Note: Truck is also called a Lorry in the United Kingdom and many commonwealth countries.
- Boat - नौका / प्लवः
In Sanskrit, Boat is known as नौका (naukā) or प्लवः (plavaḥ) and नाव in Hindi.
The word नौका / प्लवः can be used as given in the following sentence.
सरोवरे जनाः नौकायां / प्लवे विहरन्ति। (sarovare janāḥ naukāyāṃ / plave viharanti।) – which means ‘People are enjoying riding boats in the pond.‘ in English and ‘लोग नाव में से तालाब का विहार कर रहे हैं।’ in Hindi.
- Airplane - विमानम्
In Sanskrit, Airplane is known as विमानम् (vimānam) and हवाई जहाज in Hindi.
The word विमानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
जनाः विमानेन परदेशं गच्छन्ति। (janāḥ vimānena paradeśaṃ gacchanti।) – which means ‘People go to foreign countries by airplane.‘ in English and ‘लोग हवाई जहाज से परदेश जाते हैं।’ in Hindi.
Note: References to artificial flying objects can be found in ancient Sanatan Dharma a.k.a. Hinduism scriptures e.g. the Ramayana
- Car - कारयानम्
In Sanskrit, Car is known as कारयानम् (kārayānam) and कार in Hindi.
The word कारयानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
मम पिता कारयानेन कार्यालयं गच्छन्ति। (mama pitā kārayānena kāryālayaṃ gacchanti।) – which means ‘My father goes to his office by car.‘ in English and ‘मेरे पिताजी कार से कार्यालय जाते हैं।’ in Hindi.
- Bus - बसयानम्
In Sanskrit, Bus is known as बसयानम् (basayānam) and बस in Hindi.
The word बसयानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
छात्राः विद्यालयस्य बसयानेन विद्यालयं गच्छन्ति। (chātrāḥ vidyālayasya basayānena vidyālayaṃ gacchanti।) – which means ‘Students are going to school by the school bus.‘ in English and ‘छात्र बस से विद्यालय जा रहे हैं।’ in Hindi.
- Chariot - रथः
In Sanskrit, Chariot is known as रथः (rathaḥ) and रथ in Hindi.
The word रथः can be used as given in the following sentence.
राजा रथे तिष्ठति। (rājā rathe tiṣṭhati।) – which means ‘The King is standing in the chariot.‘ in English and ‘राजा रथ में खड़ा है।’ in Hindi.
- Ambulance - रुग्णवाहनम्
In Sanskrit, Ambulance is known as रुग्णवाहनम् (rugṇavāhanam) and एम्ब्युलंस in Hindi.
The word रुग्णवाहनम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
रुग्णवाहनं रुग्णालयं गच्छति। (rugṇavāhanaṃ rugṇālayaṃ gacchati।) – which means ‘The ambulance is going to the hospital.‘ in English and ‘एम्ब्युलंस अस्पताल जा रही है।’ in Hindi.
- Ship - पोतः
In Sanskrit, Ship is known as पोतः (potaḥ) and समुद्री जहाज in Hindi.
The word पोतः can be used as given in the following sentence.
पोतः अतीव विशालः अस्ति। (potaḥ atīva viśālaḥ asti।) – which means ‘The ship is very big.‘ in English and ‘समुद्री जहाज बहुत बड़ा है।’ in Hindi.
- Motorcycle - यन्त्रद्विचक्रिका
In Sanskrit, Motorcycle is known as यन्त्रद्विचक्रिका (yantradvicakrikā) and मोटर-साइकिल in Hindi.
The word यन्त्रद्विचक्रिका can be used as given in the following sentence.
युवकः यन्त्रद्विचक्रिकां चालयति। (yuvakaḥ yantradvicakrikāṃ cālayati।) – which means ‘A youth is driving a motorcycle.‘ in English and ‘एक युवक मोटर-साइकिल चला रहा है।’ in Hindi.
- Helicopter - उदग्रयानम्
In Sanskrit, Helicopter is known as उदग्रयानम् (udagrayānam) and हेलीकॉप्टर in Hindi.
The word उदग्रयानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
सैन्यस्य उदग्रयानेन सैनिकाः गच्छन्ति। (sainyasya udagrayānena sainikāḥ gacchanti।) – which means ‘The soldiers are going by the army helicopter.‘ in English and ‘सैनिक सैन्य के हेलीकाॅप्टर से जा रहे हैं।’ in Hindi.
- Fire Engine / Fire Truck - अग्निशमनयन्त्रम्
In Sanskrit, Fire Engine or Fire Truck is known as अग्निशमनयन्त्रम् (agniśamanayantram) and दमकल or फ़ायर-इंजन in Hindi.
The word अग्निशमनयन्त्रम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
अग्निशमनयन्त्रं अग्निना दह्यमानानि भवनानि गच्छति। (agniśamanayantraṃ agninā dahyamānāni bhavanāni gacchati।) – which means ‘The fire truck is called to buildings that are on fire.‘ in English and ‘दमकल जलती हुई इमारतों के पास जाता है।’ in Hindi.
- Jeep - दुर्गयानम्
In Sanskrit, Jeep is known as दुर्गयानम् (durgayānam) and जीप in Hindi.
The word दुर्गयानम् can be used as given in the following sentence.
रमेशस्य एकं विशालं दुर्गयानम् अस्ति। (rameśasya ekaṃ viśālaṃ durgayānam asti।) – which means ‘Ramesh has a big jeep.‘ in English and ‘रमेश के पास एक बड़ी जीप है।’ in Hindi.
- Army Tank - लोहरथः
In Sanskrit, Army Tank is known as लोहरथः (loharathaḥ) and टैंक in Hindi.
The word लोहरथः can be used as given in the following sentence.
सैनिकाः लोहरथेन युद्धे गच्छन्ति। (sainikāḥ loharathena yuddhe gacchanti।) – which means ‘The soldiers are going into battle with army tanks.‘ in English and ‘सैनिक सैन्य के टैंक से युद्ध में जा रहे हैं।’ in Hindi.
Note: Some people also refer to a army tank as टैंकवाहनम् (ṭaiṃkavāhanam).
- Bullock Cart - ऋषभशकटः
In Sanskrit, Bullock Cart is known as ऋषभशकटः (ṛṣabhaśakaṭaḥ) and बैलगाड़ी in Hindi.
The word ऋषभशकटः can be used as given in the following sentence.
ग्रामे नैके ऋषभशकटाः सन्ति। (grāme naike ṛṣabhaśakaṭāḥ santi।) – which means ‘There are many bullock carts in the village.‘ in English and ‘गाँव में अनेक बैलगाड़ियाँ हैं।’ in Hindi.

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