Short Picture Description of a Pond
This post is a short picture description of a Pond in Sanskrit i.e. तडागस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम्
This post can be referenced by school students and Sanskrit learners.
Transliteration, meaning in English and Hindi translation are given for better understanding.
Table of Contents
तडागस्य लघुचित्रवर्णनम्
इदं तडागस्य चित्रम् अस्ति। तडागस्य समीपे बहवः वृक्षाः अनेकगिरयः च सन्ति। आकाशे सूर्यः प्रकाशते। आकाशे खगाः अपि उड्डयन्ते। तडागस्य उपरि आकाशे एकः गृध्रः उड्डयते। तडागस्य जलं नीलवर्णम् अस्ति। तडागे बहवः मत्स्याः तरन्ति। तत्रैव, तडागस्य तटे एकः कच्छपः अपि वर्तते। तडागे एकः मण्डूकोऽपि अस्ति। तडागे श्वेतहंसाः अपि सन्ति। तडागस्य तटे एकः बकः अपि अस्ति। चित्रे एकः मृगः तडागात् जलं पिबति। तडागस्य समीपे कुटिरः अपि अस्ति। इदं चित्रं रमणीयम् अस्ति।
taḍāgasya laghucitravarṇanam
idaṃ taḍāgasya citram asti। taḍāgasya samīpe bahavaḥ vṛkṣāḥ anekagirayaḥ ca santi। ākāśe sūryaḥ prakāśate। ākāśe khagāḥ api uḍḍayante। taḍāgasya upari ākāśe ekaḥ gṛdhraḥ uḍḍayate। taḍāgasya jalaṃ nīlavarṇam asti। taḍāge bahavaḥ matsyāḥ taranti। tatraiva, taḍāgasya taṭe ekaḥ kacchapaḥ api vartate। taḍāge ekaḥ maṇḍūko’pi asti। taḍāge śvetahaṃsāḥ api santi। taḍāgasya taṭe ekaḥ bakaḥ api asti। citre ekaḥ mṛgaḥ taḍāgāt jalaṃ pibati। taḍāgasya samīpe kuṭiraḥ api asti। idaṃ citraṃ ramaṇīyam asti।
Short Picture Description of a Pond
This is a picture of a pond. There are many trees and hills nearby. The Sun is shining in the sky. Birds are also flying in the sky. An eagle is flying in the sky above the pond. The water of the pond is blue and many fish are swimming there. On the banks of the pond, there is a tortoise. There is a frog too. White swans are also there in the pond. There is a crane on the banks of the pond. In the picture, a deer is drinking water. There is also a hut nearby. This picture is very beautiful.
तालाब का लघु चित्र वर्णन
यह एक तालाब का चित्र है। तालाब के पास बहुत पेड़ और अनेक पर्वत हैं। आकाश में सूर्य प्रकाशमान है। आकाश में कुछ पक्षी उड़ रहे हैं। तालाब के ऊपर आकाश में एक गरुड उड़ रहा है। तालाब का पानी नीले रंग का है। तालाब में बहुत मछलियाँ तैर रही हैं। वहाँ, तालाब के किनारे, एक कछुआ भी है। तालाब में एक मेंढ़क भी है। तालाब में सफ़ेद हंस भी है। तालाब के किनारे पर एक बगुला भी है। चित्र में एक हिरन तालाब से पानी पी रहा है। तालाब के पास एक छोटा घर भी है। यह चित्र रमणीय है।
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Short Picture Description of a Home Garden in Sanskrit …Bus Depot
Short Picture Description of Bus Depot in Sanskrit, English, …Navratri
Short Picture Description of Navratri in Sanskrit, English, and …Swimming Pool
Short Picture Description of Swimming Pool in Sanskrit, English, …Picture Description of Farm
Short Picture Description of Farm in Sanskrit, English, and …Picture Description on Ganeshotsav
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Short picture description of General Picture in Sanskrit, English, …
Picture Description of a Flood
Home Garden
Bus Depot
Swimming Pool
Picture Description of Farm
Picture Description on Ganeshotsav
Picture Description on Independence Day
Picture Description on Daily Routine
Picture Description of Family
Picture Description on Library
Holi Celebration
Morning in a Village
Morning 2
Play area
Rainy Day Picture 2
Picture 1
Sports Day
Picture Description of Sports Day in School This post …Yoga Day
This post is a Picture Description of International Yoga …Village
Picture Description of a Village in Sanskrit with translation …Marketplace
Picture Description of a Marketplace in Sanskrit with transliteration, …Rainy Day
Picture Description of a Rainy Day in Sanskrit with …Zoo
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Sports Day
Yoga Day
Rainy Day
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